Committee news
The University of Bahrain holds the “Step towards Life” event to raise awareness of breast cancer

The President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Fouad Mohammed Al-Ansari, opened the educational and awareness-raising event “A Step towards Life” to raise awareness of breast cancer, which was organized by the University’s Equal Opportunities Committee, in response to the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
And Dr. Al Ansari toured the educational stations. Which was held in the administration lobby at the university headquarters in Sakhir, College students – in their various specializations – participated in raising awareness of the importance of early screening for breast cancer. Noting the stages of disease development, The importance of following a healthy lifestyle, To reduce the risk of this type of cancer.
After the opening, The President of the University of Bahrain said: “The University of Bahrain is accustomed to investing this month in raising awareness among its members. The seriousness of breast cancer, and its effects on women and society as a whole, How to prevent it as much as possible, “It is necessary to pay attention to periodic examination.” Commending the efforts of the Equal Opportunities Commission, College of Health and Sports Sciences, The cooperation of all university faculties, In raising awareness among university students and female members, The importance of periodic examinations, To prevent disease, or its rapid development, Which may put the patient’s life at risk.
For her part, Dean of the College of Health and Sports Sciences and Head of the University’s Equal Opportunities Committee, Dr. Lina Muhammad Khunji, indicated: To organize a series of events at the university, It began on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 AD, It ends at the end of the same month. Noting the establishment of a campaign organized by the College of Health and Sports Sciences, Under the supervision of the university’s nursing and midwifery team, Under the title “Pink University”, With the aim of raising community awareness to prevent breast cancer.
She pointed out the preparation of a number of pillars in all university colleges, Each corner contains educational sessions. Participants are instructed on the correct methods for periodic breast self-examination. For early prevention of disease, Pointing out that a clinical examination will be conducted by a specialized team.
Dr. confirmed. Khanji, the importance of education sessions, which is considered an expanding focus, To include community education, Referring to the holding of a discussion session, Participants discussed the most frequently asked questions about breast cancer. The Consultant in General Surgery, Breast and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Maryam Al-Junaidi, participated in it. Farah Ali, as one of those who recovered from the disease, Where she conveyed to the participants in the session her personal experience with the disease, And the lessons learned from that experience.
She pointed out that the event included several activities related to healthy lifestyle methods and patterns. Psychological adaptation and dealing with stress, health assessment, And exercise. Noting the College of Law’s participation in constitutional texts, health-related laws, The College of Engineering participates in student graduation projects related to breast cancer. In addition to postgraduate students’ projects and studies related to the disease, Emphasizing that the event was not just about wearing pink, Rather, to leave a positive impact on behavior, Through sustainability in following a healthy lifestyle, To reduce the chances of contracting the disease.